Best Acne Scar Home Remedies

What is Acne ?
A type of bacteria present in the body causes acne by reacting with the oil secreting from the sebaceous glands. The skin gets increasingly irritated and the cavities in the hair roots blocked. This results in accumulation of debris on the dermis, the inner skin. The body then attempts to get rid of it resulting in acne wounds and then its scars. The visible red color scars on the face make the victims life more difficult. Acnes are generally classified in to 4 categories.
Types of Treatments
Acne treatment products are in plenty in the thriving cosmetic industry with various creams, masks, serum and facial treatments. Almost all of such acne scar treatments have been displayed here on our other Acne Scar Treatment article. Plastic surgery and laser treatment are also resorted to by the desperate. Herbal and and other acne scar home remedies also play a major role and are followed generally, as they are cost effective and are giving a lasting relief.
Acne and Home Remedies
Various cosmetic treatments for curing acne existed but the pros and cons of each leaves the victim more demoralized. Acne scar can be effectively and successfully treated through natural ways by using remedies available at home and by the food habits. Given below are some of the tried and tested ways to cure the acne problem:
- Vegetables: An effective natural remedy is through using a pack made out of peels of orange and lemon and grated cucumber, by applying that on the affected area.
- Turmeric-Coriander Paste: Another natural remedy for acne scars is by mixing coriander juice with a pinch of turmeric powder and making a paste. The paste is then applied on the affected area. The medicinal value of turmeric is a scientifically proved fact.
- Garlic: Garlic can be regularly added in your diet. Rubbing minced garlic on the troubled area also helps to overcome the acne scars.
- Good Diet: Suitable diet goes a long way in tackling the acne problem - a meal consisting of mixed fruits three times a day and after a week, repeat of a similar diet of raw vegetables and sprouts could be taken. A balanced diet after that in the regular course could lead to an effective cure. This will greatly improve the skin glow and texture!
- Food to avoid: Coffee, tea, and soft drinks should be avoided. Excessive drinking habits will also spoil the general health. Like wise refined, processed and fried foods and also spices, condiments and pickles, as well as candy and ice cream and other similar fast food-stuff are also to be avoided.